Some of my apple trees seem confused, they seem to think it is spring and now have new little apples forming on their branches. I'm just going to watch and seem what happens to them.

Josh helped me fix the bottom of a new fence in the veg garden so the chooks and ducks don't get out from underneath it...hopefully. He's developing great working man hands.

These ones are content in there new home. We bought them as day olds and have enjoyed raising them, it's something we will do again. Currently I'm trying to work out the cost of raising them, I suspect it isn't as economical as I hope. We plan on eating the roosters and hope the others will provide us with more eggs than we need. It will be lovely in the spring to have a surplus of eggs.

These ducks we supposed to keep us in eggs while the chooks have their winter break but we've had two eggs from them in the last couple of weeks. The Rouen Clairs are a recent addition and still have a few weeks to prove themselves. The lady I bought them from assured me they would be wonderful layers and would start to lay in June. The Indian Runners I've had since January I think but they have given me very few eggs. We did get the odd one when they first arrived and then nothing until last week. Maybe they're not satisfied with their diet?

These children had lots of fun zooming around on their bikes yesterday, it was such a lovely sunshiny day. They are happy little possums.