We took a break yesterday and headed to the forest for a little while. Most of the leaves had fallen and the ground was deeply littered with them. Amongst them we found brightly coloured fungi and other surprises. We decided we need to go back for a longer next time with blankets, hot drinks, good food and our nature study notebooks. We'll have a good few hours just to enjoy the season and the forest before the real cold of winter sets in.

Waiting for the leaves to fall, the tree was being shaken to encourage the last leaves down. Here they are waiting to try to catch them as they fall.

The little girls had so much fun fungi hunting. They had a ball.

Constructing a fort. Of course we left the forest at just the wrong time when the boys had found the perfect site for their construction.

One of the surprises a bright yellow worm, we will look up some more information about him.

With all the noise we disturbed someone sleep.

I know these are not the best photo photos but I wanted to included them to show their lovely colour.
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