I've been reading on different blogs a little about GAPS, so I've been looking into that as much as time allows and have now ordered Gut and Psychology Syndrome by Natasha Campbell-McBride. It all sounds very interesting and fits very well with Nourishing Traditions which I own and love. It is all about healing the gut and improving gut flora and how doing that can have such dramatic effect on overall health, apparently it has healed people with Autism, ADD/ADHD, Dyspraxia, schizophrenia and depression as well as less drastic conditions like food allergies. Fortunately we don't have any of those conditions in our family (except food allergies) but I'm always interested in optimising our health and would much prefer to prevent illness than have to cure it. From what I have read so far if the gut is truly healthy it will readily remove toxins we ingest. From my reading I was inspired to make some sauerkraut. I hope it is received better than the kimchi I made last year which I loved but everyone else complained loudly about as soon as I removed the lid. Maybe I used too much garlic. I'm keen to start some gingered carrots from Nourishing Traditions and some pickled turnips from Wild Fermentation. I watched a presentation by Natasha Campbell-McBride here http://gapsaustralia.com.au/gaps-utube/ and started watching one by Sally Fallon author of Nourishing Traditions they were both speaking at the Wise Traditions conference in London.

Totally against both GAPS and Nourishing Traditions Serena made this very yummy Danish apple pie. We've always has such trouble with the very buttery pastry but she made it work very well.

I finally finished this cupboard and am really happy with it. It was in quiet a state when I bought it but has come up beautifully.

An even worse photo but I wanted to include it because she is so lovely and I'm so prooud of her, she made herself this nighty from an old sheet. It was her first time using the sewing machine. Now she wants 'old fashioned dresses' and twirly skirts.
Other random happenings, Tim and I are both listening to the one year Bible in our separate quite times, I've read the one year Bible for the last two years but it's rather nice to have the iphone app with someone reading it to me. It's even nicer to know Tim is reading the same thing as me so we can talk about it together.
Thomas' s toilet training is going very well. He sometimes tells me when he needs to go but mostly it's a matter of me just taking him regularly.
We are back to doing school work every day, the children had been doing maths through most of the holidays but now we are back to a full load. It's going well as I continue to try different approaches. This year instead of covering every subject every day we do either science, history or geography as our core subject for the day and all writing stems from that subject. I think its going to work well for us.
Apart from that I keep feeling a strong pull to my spinning wheel and as is so cold now and my feet are so cold all the time I think I'll start by spinning and knitting myself a pair of slippers. Maybe I'll be able to start today, maybe.
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