We harvested our pumpkins recently, it always an occasion we look forward to, and there are always pleas of "Pumpkin pie for tea please!" This year we didn't have many pumpkins to harvest but those we had were pretty large, all between 10 and 8 kgs.
This pumpkin was just too heavy for James he fell over with it twice but did want to hold it and have his photo taken with it.
This one grow over the fence on a broken stem, the stem healed and produced a large heavy pumpkin, amazing us.
My big girls are earning money plucking saffron, what a lovely job. Josh has also had a few days picking the flowers from the field under the mountain and is looking forward to more. The flowers are bought into town to the back of the cafe Talithia works at and have the stamen plucked out and dehydrated ready for sale. The plucked flowers are sprinkled outside over the steps to the back room of the cafe and look so lovely. Passers by often follow the flower trail to watch the plucking for a moment before moving on.
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